
Audiomojis: Google New Innovation to Android Calls

Daftar Isi

Emojis are a fun and popular way to express emotions and reactions in text messages and social media. But what if you could also use emojis in voice calls? That’s the idea behind Audiomojis, a new feature that Google might be adding to its Phone app. Audiomojis are sound effects and animations that you can send and receive during a voice call, to spice up your conversations and make them more interactive. In this article, we will explore what these features are, how they work, and why they could be a game-changer for voice communication.

What are Audiomojis and how do they work?

Audiomojis are short audio clips that play on both ends of a voice call, accompanied by full-screen effects on the display. They are similar to emoji reactions, but with sound and animation. For example, if you want to applaud someone on the phone, you can send an applause voice, which will play a clapping sound and show a clapping animation on both phones. Or if you want to laugh at a joke, you can send a laugh voice, which will play a laughing sound and show a laughing animation on both phones.

Audiomojis are not meant to replace voice communication, but to enhance it. They can add more emotion, humor, and fun to your calls, and make them more engaging and memorable. They can also help you convey your feelings and reactions more clearly and effectively, especially when words are not enough.

Audiomojis are not available yet, but they were spotted in the code of the latest beta version of the Google Phone app (version 124) by TheSpAndroid1. The code revealed six Audiomojis that Google might be working on: sad, applause, party popper, laugh, drum roll, and poop. The code also suggested that this new feature could be activated by voice commands, such as “Hey Google, send a party popper Audiomoji”. However, the feature is still in development and may change or be canceled before it is released to the public.

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Why are Audiomojis a game-changer for voice communication?

Audiomojis could be a game-changer for voice communication, as they could offer several benefits and advantages over traditional voice calls. Here are some of the reasons why this feature could be the next big thing in voice communication:

They make voice calls more fun and enjoyable

Voice calls can sometimes be boring, monotonous, or awkward, especially if you don’t have much to talk about or if you have a poor connection. Audiomojis can make voice calls more fun and enjoyable, by adding some sound and visual effects that can break the ice, lighten the mood, or create some excitement. This new feature can also make voice calls more playful and creative, as you can use them to express yourself in different ways, or to surprise or prank your friends.

They make voice calls more expressive and emotional

Voice calls can sometimes be hard to convey emotions and reactions, especially if you have a flat or low voice, or if you are not comfortable with verbal communication. Using this feature can make voice calls more expressive and emotional, by adding some sound and visual cues that can show your feelings and responses more clearly and effectively. Implementation of this feature can also make voice calls more empathetic and supportive, as you can use them to show your appreciation, sympathy, or encouragement to your friends.

They make voice calls more interactive and engaging

Voice calls can sometimes be passive and one-sided, especially if you are listening to a long story or a lecture, or if you are not interested in the topic. Audiomojis can make voice calls more interactive and engaging, by adding some sound and visual feedback that can keep you and your friends involved and attentive. Audiomojis can also make voice calls more collaborative and participatory, as you can use them to share your opinions, suggestions, or questions to your friends.

Conclusion: Are Audiomojis the future of voice communication?

Audiomojis are a new feature that Google might be adding to its Phone app, which are sound effects and animations that you can send and receive during a voice call. Audiomojis are similar to emoji reactions, but with sound and animation. They can make voice calls more fun, expressive, and interactive, and enhance your voice communication experience.

However, Audiomojis are not available yet, and they may not be for everyone. Some people may find them annoying, distracting, or inappropriate, and prefer to stick to plain voice calls. Some people may also have privacy or security concerns, and wonder how Google will handle the data and permissions of Audiomojis. Moreover, Audiomojis may face some technical or compatibility issues, and may not work well with all devices, networks, or apps.

Therefore, Audiomojis are not the ultimate solution for voice communication, but they are an interesting and innovative option that could appeal to many users. Whether Audiomojis will become the future of voice communication or not, depends on how Google will develop, launch, and market them, and how users will adopt, use, and enjoy them.

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